Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Consulting & Training Services

We support purpose-driven organizations that believe in equity, inclusion, and justice. Our consulting services help organizations incorporate tools for equity, inclusion, and justice into their policies, programs, and practices. Consulting packages can include strategic planning, assessment/evaluation, policy development, leadership development, and implementation support. We also offer tailored training for organizational groups designed to address your specific needs and context.

Banner Image Credit:  Chona Kasinger for Disabled And Here

Learn & transform your systems with us

Our Why

Purpose-driven organizations committed to equity, inclusion, and justice may struggle to align actions with these values due to gaps in understanding and skills. This misalignment can limit their effectiveness, workplace appeal, and reliability as partners. Think Again helps organizations make immediate improvements and build ongoing capacity for internal growth, program enhancement, and stronger external partnerships, with a focus on racial justice and intersectional equity.

a group of smiling participants pose against a blackboard, the photographer's face in the foreground, selfie-style

What we can offer organizations...

Tailored Trainings for Organizations

Our tailored trainings for organizational groups are designed to address your specific needs and context. While learning about equity and social justice is a continual journey, our aim is to assist your team in taking its next meaningful step forward.

Although trainings aren't a quick fix and can't erase systemic inequalities overnight, they play a vital role in advancing an organization's social justice practices.

Our engaging and interactive sessions, led by experienced facilitators, empower your team to absorb and apply new information to foster new insights and possibilities. Through collaborative exercises, your team strengthens its social justice skills and relationships, enhancing its capacity to enact change both individually and collectively.

  • • Trans/forming Allyship: Building Skills to Support Trans People in Your Community 
    Trans inclusion trainings specifically for campus contexts
    • Untangling Privilege
    • De-fusing Implicit Bias
    • Spinning Straw into Gold: Microaggressions as Teachable Moments
    • Transformative Allyship (across all kinds of identities)
    • Exploring Class & Classism
    • Collaborative Leadership: Working Together to Make Stuff Happen

Further examples of training topics and formats can be found here.

Our Cohort Trainings

  • Cross-Class Dialogue Circles

    Cross-Class Dialogue Circles are a powerful way for people across the class spectrum to come together to talk about their experiences with class, listen to each other’s stories and perspectives, build relationships, and collaborate for change. Engaging with each other across class is empowering, healing and liberating.

  • Antiracist Development Group

    This group is for white executives, managers and other leaders who are interested in moving to the next level of personal and organizational equity work. The 8-week, small-group cohort program is a place for learning, reflection, peer support, and action, based in frameworks of intersectional social justice and challenging white supremacy culture.

  • Antiracist Development Group: Managers of Color

    The Antiracist Development Group for Managers of Color is for people of color in management, leadership, and executive roles who are ready to deepen their personal and organizational equity work. This eight-week, small-group program provides space for learning, reflection, peer support, and action.

Why work with us

a trainer and a participant stand together at an easel pad, discussing; the easel pad reads "values we hold" followed by a brainstorm
  • We envision a world in which ecosystems of organizations, communities, networks, and individuals collaborate to transform themselves and broader systems to continually move toward a world of fair, plentiful, joyful, and connected living and working conditions for all.

  • We hold equity and leadership of the people most impacted by oppression as central to all our values, which include:

    Transformation: We support change that starts with repair and healing of historical and ongoing harms and that alters the shape of systems, common practices, and individual behaviors

    Relationality: We collaborate and ensure accessibility for everyone to have a voice.

    Accountable action: We use cyclical approaches and insight from those most affected by decisions and oppression to continuously learn, assess impact, repair, and adjust.

    Ingenuity: We ground ourselves in the reality of the moment and act flexibly and creatively to meet multiple needs within multiple contexts, drawing on most impacted peoples’ lineage of survivance - surviving amidst oppression via unofficial means.

    Joy: We believe that joy is necessary for existence and we seek to make it possible for ourselves and all others.

  • Collaboration is a cornerstone of our approach. We work closely with clients, co-creating solutions that address their specific needs and challenges. By fostering partnerships and building relationships based on trust and mutual respect, Think Again creates lasting impact within organizations and communities.

  • Consulting clients that engage in a tailored, comprehensive assessment and consulting process realize immediate improvement while building internal capacity to continue honing their approach in operations, programs, and external partnerships. Organizations build shared understanding and skills, establish equitable organizational systems, and improve workplace climate. They also begin building accountable relationships with internal and external stakeholders who are most impacted by societal inequities, in order to get the kinds of feedback that allow for continual iteration and improvement. In short-term trainings, participants gain tools they can continue applying in their day-to-day practices, which contributes to improving organizational climate and outcomes and sets the stage for further learning, development and action.

  • Think Again fosters a culture of continuous learning and development, both with clients and within our own team. Our services encourage reflection, critical thinking, and skill-building. Team members engage in ongoing professional development to stay abreast of emerging trends and best practices, ensuring that Think Again remains at the forefront of equity-focused training and consulting.

Client Testimonials

  • "The training gave me some great tools for opening the door to including gender in my conversations with students, and I have found that students seemed really relieved to have the issue out on the table."

    Sharón Fridner, Assistant Director, Hampshire College Career Options Resource Center

  • "I appreciated the live troubleshooting of our intake process to make it more respectful of the trans community."

    Carly Perera, Program Manager at Mission Asset Fund

  • "The experiential nature of what you did here really helped to make the learning *real* – and safe and enjoyable, too."

    Student in Multicultural Humanistic Education

  • "You made the distribution of wealth really tangible. I didn’t feel removed from the issue at all, which was great."

  • "I just wanted to compliment you on your skills as a facilitator. The group dynamics at yesterday’s workshop seemed especially challenging, but you handled those challenges with great diplomacy and tact."

  • "This is a fantastic training that will help any organization working with many different kinds of people to be better, more intentional and empathetic."

  • "The workshop really allowed me to reflect on what my office has been doing and how we could do better… Even though I have students who identify as Trans, I don’t think that I know enough… This session was helpful."

  • "This was one of the best workshops I’ve ever attended."

  • "I felt comfortable and encouraged to ask questions. The workshop was easy to be engaged in and relate to."

Learn & transform your systems with us