
We offer tailored trainings to meet your group’s goals, open-to-the-public training series, and self-paced online trainings.

Learning Opportunities for Individuals

  • Antiracist Development Group for White Leaders

    Thursdays, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
    April 18 – June 6, 2024

  • Antiracist Development Group for Leaders of Color

    Thursdays, 1:30-3:00pm ET
    March 6th - April 24th

  • Self-Paced Courses

    Courses are self-paced online trainings designed for individual learning, as well as for organizations to supplement live training and consulting services.

Tailored Trainings for Organizations

Our tailored trainings for organizational groups are designed to address your specific needs and context. While learning about equity and social justice is a continual journey, our aim is to assist your team in taking its next meaningful step forward.

Although trainings aren't a quick fix and can't erase systemic inequalities overnight, they play a vital role in advancing an organization's social justice practices.

Our engaging and interactive sessions, led by experienced facilitators, empower your team to absorb and apply new information to foster new insights and possibilities. Through collaborative exercises, your team strengthens its social justice skills and relationships, enhancing its capacity to enact change both individually and collectively.

  • • Trans/forming Allyship: Building Skills to Support Trans People in Your Community 
    Trans inclusion trainings specifically for campus contexts
    • Untangling Privilege
    • De-fusing Implicit Bias
    • Spinning Straw into Gold: Microaggressions as Teachable Moments
    • Transformative Allyship (across all kinds of identities)
    • Exploring Class & Classism
    • Collaborative Leadership: Working Together to Make Stuff Happen

Further examples of training topics and formats can be found here.

Past Trainees

  • “This isn’t my first time in a space like this (a strategic planning process where I’m the only Black person in a majority-white org), but it’s my first time having it be a positive experience, feeling like a valuable participant and not just being mined for my experience.”

  • “I think this is the only time in the past two years I've been on a video call and felt restored and energized. Your training is absolutely miles better quality than other trainings in this same domain!”

    Emily Noble, April 2022

  • “This experience created new neural pathways for me.”

    Participant in a workshop about class backgrounds and cross-class dynamics in a nonprofit board/staff budgeting process, Dec 2022

  • “This is all the language I didn’t have for so many interactions. It turns out I think about this stuff all the time and didn’t have words for it.”

    - anonymous, participant in Class and Classism at Work training

  • “I’m grateful for how hard this (strategic planning session) was for me. I’m grateful to have been pushed to explore what I can do when I have to think on my feet.”